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The Center for Tolerance in Abu Ghosh

In the heart of a beautiful village, that has become the symbol of coexistence, following the invitation of the Abu Ghosh Local Authority and with the generous assistance of the Jewish Federation of Philadelphia, the Hinam Center has set up a unique Center for Tolerance. The 150-year-old stone building, lying on an area of 500 square meters, houses a Beit Midrash, Midrasha, conference and cultural center and research department, as well as the Hinam Center’s headquarters.


Beit Midrash for Tolerance


The Beit Midrash boasts three unique characteristics: first – it is a home for everyone, where Haredim from the adjacent town of Telzstone, kibbutznikim from nearby Kiryat Anavim, local Arabs, religious and secular Jews, and anyone else who wishes to study, all meet to learn. Second, the study material deals with values that are common to diverse religions and cultures, with an emphasis on building a shared society.

Third, the study method at the Beit Midrash combines the superficial and critical learning of pluralistic study centers with the in-depth and profound learning of the Yeshiva world.

Every Monday, starting July 30, 2018, the Beit Midrash will run a “Hafla Learning” program – after supper (kosher) the study groups learn well into the night by candle light. Learning is from books, not biblical sources and includes topics such as the influence of Muslim philosophers on Maimonides MISHNA, ruling of oriental Jewish sages, the personality and rulings of Rabbi Shimshon Refael Hirsch, readings in the Quran, etc. The teachers are men and women from all religions, religious tracks and backgrounds. Contact Hinam’s CEO, Yaron Kaner, if you wish to join the study group – 0505-955096.


The Midrasha for Tolerance


The Midrasha for Tolerance will open at the Hinam Center in January 2019. Unlike other learning environments, participants will reside in the dorms at the Beit Midrash, overlooking the views of the Jerusalem Hills. High school graduates before their IDF service, together with former servicemen, students and youngsters from diverse identities and professions are invited to join the study groups, on an adventure of in-depth studying, a life of tolerance in the Arab society, and healthy lifestyle and enriching activities.


Culture and Leisure


The Hinam Center at Abu Ghosh holds cultural and leisure evenings on tolerance – performances by artists from diverse identities, lectures, dinners and celebrations. Details on the upcoming schedule will be posted in September 2018.

Registration for projects

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